
The Flip-side of Fall

Ah, fall … That glorious time of year when the air seems infused with the essence of the changing seasons. The aroma of just-harvested fruits and late-blooming vegetation, the nip of imminent winter, and the brilliant hues of flora and sky. Beautiful. However, like most things in life, there’s a flip-side. And nowhere is this…

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My kids are TOTAL BRATS!

From the time I toddled around in droopy diapers, to the day I drove off to college in my VW Bug, I lived in one small Pennsylvania town. The kids who picked their noses next to me in Mrs. Rowley’s kindergarten class were the same ones who walked across the stage with me at our…

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My Freudian Half-slip

When I was seven, the scariest place in the world was under my bed. It was a double, so there was plenty of space under there for demon-possessed Muppets with evil grins to hide amongst the dust bunnies. I kept my back turned to the edge of the bed, so as to protect myself from…

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The Geobachelor’s Wife

After nearly 20 years of marriage, my husband and I decided to separate. No, he wasn’t having a midlife crisis, although he had become quite heavy-handed with his cologne lately. I wasn’t feeling neglected, although his idea of a fun Saturday night was Dominoes and House Hunters reruns. No one was drinking excessively, although we…

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