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What does riding the bus teach kids?

This month, many American military children home and abroad are boarding busses for their first, excited days of school. Despite the iconic yellow vehicle being the subject of happy nursery rhymes and jolly cartoons, taking school transportation is not always a stress-free experience. In fact, riding the bus to school each day can seem like…

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One year out of the military, and the ride’s still not over

A year ago, my husband, Francis, stood on a stage before our family and friends in his Navy dress uniform and spoke about his 28 years of service in the military. The audience looked on curiously as the band played “Old Glory” and the flag was passed slowly, methodically, from rank to rank. When “The…

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Catching crabs, the respectable way

Many hungry vacationers will seek out the rich sweetness of Chesapeake Bay Blue Crabs this summer. Arguably, you haven’t lived until you’ve cracked fresh-steamed crabs over a newspapered table. However, unless you plan to second mortgage your house to order pricey steamed blue crabs for the whole family at a restaurant, you might want to…

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The princess and the pee

When you’re a military family stationed in Timbuktu, you can’t rely on relatives to watch your pets when you’re on vacation. Our military family has learned that trading pet care favors with friends isn’t always the best alternative. Except for the time I completely forgot to feed a fellow military spouse’s cat over a long…

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