
Confectionary Comforts

Running my fingertip along the wrinkled peak of thin, gold foil, I find an edge. I insert a nail under the delicate lip and lift the sheet, hearing it crinkle as it expands like an accordion. I pause a moment, just long enough to pinch the end of the tiny paper strip, and tug it…

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My Ace in the Hole

Trailing tissues behind, I burst through the clinic doors five minutes past my appointment time. The lady at the front desk directed me to three rows of blue chairs in the waiting area. Nestling into the second row , I fished another crumpled tissue from my pocket just as “Peter Pan” started on the TV…

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Taken for a Ride

As I nervously watched my daughters reeling down our street in an abandoned shopping cart, memories of my own childhood misadventures rushed into my head. Any kid who could get his hands on certain common household items like shopping carts and refrigerator boxes, was golden. On spring in the 1970’s, my brother Tray scored two…

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I kinda suck, but will you vote for me anyway?

I am a flawed person. No matter what I accomplish in life, my psyche hones in on the negative: the things I haven’t done, the mistakes I’ve made, the things I am not good at (like figuring out how to not end a sentence with a preposition without sounding snooty.) I am constantly perseverating over…

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