
Sound Off: Has technology made deployments better for milspouses?

For military spouses enduring deployments in this complicated world of internet-based communications and 24/7 news, is ignorance bliss, or is knowledge power? My husband’s last deployment was over a decade ago. Facebook was gaining popularity, but we didn’t use social media yet. And the Skype connection was so bad, we scrapped it as a means…

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The five steps I take before starting my diet

I’m a little upset that my husband didn’t give me a Peloton for Christmas, but then again, he might be in the doghouse if he did. Without a shiny new exercise machine in my living room, I’m left to muster the motivation to begin a 2020 fitness regimen all by myself. *Sigh* But this isn’t…

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‘You Are Amazing’: The power of positive self-talk

I had taken the part-time library job out of desperation. After interviewing and being rejected for three other positions because I “didn’t have enough experience” (a common problem for military spouses, by the way), I accepted the offer to work weekend nightshifts at the boarding school school library. Although I was grateful to be employed,…

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Glowing up in 2020

I find that the optimal time for one to muster motivation for self-improvement is right after one has polished off an entire pint of ice cream. “Okay, that’s it!” I recently bellowed to my college-aged daughters after tossing an empty carton into the kitchen trash can. “I’m dead serious this time — In 2020, I…

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