
Surviving military spouses get the suicide ‘postvention’ they need

Every time I hear the gut-wrenching statistic that twenty military veterans commit suicide every day, my throat catches. The shocking reality that more lives have been lost to veteran suicide in the past 15 years than in the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan is an obvious tragedy that finally has the attention of the Pentagon,…

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Hard facts or hysteria: Is technology ruining our kids’ lives?

At about eight o’clock each night, a little voice calls me. “C’mon,” it says, “it will relax you. You know you want it.” I tell myself I don’t need it. I’m perfectly fine, sitting here watching “House Hunters” reruns with my husband. But it’s no use. I can’t resist the temptation. With trembling hands, I…

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‘Tis the ‘Season of Change’ for military kids

“When we were leaving Guam, Devon isolated himself from his friends as they were isolating him. We dealt with it by spending more time with one friend and her family that didn’t isolate him and we all became fast friends. Unfortunately she is PCSing in a few months and her mother is telling us that…

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Marshmallows and Military Adventure: Grab ’em while you can

You know those people who open bags of M&Ms and dump the entire contents into their upturned mouths? They’re the same ones who eat icing roses off of birthday cakes, open big presents before little ones, and ask for the good news first. Unfortunately, I’m not one of those people. Throughout life, I’ve strictly adhered…

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