women’s empowerment

Turning the other cheek: My first colonoscopy

It seems that every humor writer on Earth has penned an amusing account of his or her root canal, mammogram, or other cringeworthy medical procedure. Arguably, the intimate details of one’s doctor’s appointments should not be published for the masses to read. However, many unscrupulous writers have plucked this low hanging fruit in shameless pursuit…

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Military life killed my career, but new promises bring hope in 2018

There is a seldom-opened drawer in our file cabinet that contains the only tangible evidence of my legal career. The musty hanging folders have labels such as “Resumes,” “Licensing,” and “Writing Samples.” Even though none of these documents have been used since I had to stop working as a litigation attorney in the late 90s…

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Battling Millennial Military Brats Over Winter Break

“You guys are SO loud,” our 19-year-old daughter whined, loping downstairs into the kitchen where my husband and I were chatting. Her hair was a rat’s nest. One sock was half off, the excess flapping with each step. She was wearing the sweater she’d had on the day before and had slept in. The clock…

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The Real Truth About New Year’s Eve

During my youth, my best offer on many New Year’s Eves was babysitting. My night included sampling the family’s leftover holiday treats and counting down with Dick Clark after the kids went to bed. Despite my pathetic circumstances, I held out hope that, as soon as my social standing improved, I’d have many fabulous, sparkling,…

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