Event Archive
Television Interview: October 4, 2021
“Art Matters with Wayne Quackenbush”
In this episode of “Art Matters,” Wayne Quackenbush interviews writer, Lisa Smtih Molinari, about how her book, The Meat and Potatoes of Life: My True Lit Com came into being. The show was taped on October 4, 2021 at the Studios in Portsmouth, RI, and will be aired on Newport County Cable Access Television beginning Monday October 11, 2021 and on the Art Matters You Tube Channel.
~ February 2020
“Coffee & Comedy” Storytelling Event
Java Madness Waterfront Cafe
Sunday February 23rd 2:00 to 4:00 pm
134 Salt Pond Road Wakefield, RI
~ January 2020
Served on Judges Panel
2020 Erma Bombeck Writing Contest
~ November 2019
“It’s All Write with Suzette”
Cable TV Show Interview
November 19, 2019
Milton Cable Television
Boston, MA
~September 14, 2019
“Coffee & Comedy” Storytelling Event
“How Growing Up In Indiana PA Made Me Rich and Famous Funny”
The Artists’ Hand Gallery and Espresso Bar
~September 2018
“Stranger Stories”
RiffRaff Cafe in Providence RI
~ June 2018
NSNC 42nd Annual Conference
Cincinnati, Ohio
National Society of Newspaper Columnists Annual Conference in Cincinnati was SOLD OUT! The event included speakers Rochelle Riley, Clarence Page, Nick Clooney, Connie Schultz, and even Jerry Springer! When not workshopping, we learned to play cornhole and sampled Cincinnati chili. I presided over the festivities as president, but my favorite moment was winning a first place prize for humor in NSNC’s annual columnists contest.
~ June 2017
NSNC 41st Annual Conference
Manchester, New Hampshire
National Society of Newspaper Columnists' conference committee knocked it out of the park with a fantastic event in Manchester, New Hampshire. Keynote speakers included Pulitzer Prize and Ernie Pyle Lifetime Achievement Award winner Maureen Dowd of the New York Times, Amy Newmark of Chicken Soup for the Soul, Brian McGrory of the Boston Globe and others.
~ June 2017 ~
Published again!
Two of my stories — “Sharing Happiness” and “Over the River and Off the Beltway” appear in this special Military Families addition of Chicken Soup for the Soul.
~ June 23 to 26, 2016
NSNC 40th Annual Conference
Los Angeles, California
After serving on the conference committee, Lisa attended National Society of Newspaper Columnists' “Hooray for Hollywood” Annual Conference in Los Angeles, California, June 23 to 26, 2016. Speakers included Jeanne Phillips of Dear Abby fame, Steve Lopez of the Los Angeles Times, Pulitzer Prize winning editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez, a panel of four Hollywood screenwriters, Leonard Pitts, Jr., and many more. Conference attendees were treated to a private tour and barbecue dinner at the Will Rogers Ranch where a spectacular barbecue dinner was served “ranch style” in the historic stables.
~ June 2016 ~
Third Book Published!
Lisa’s essay “Corny American Pride” appears on page 307 of Chicken Soup for the Soul: The American Spirit: 101 Stories about What Makes Our Country Great(Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing 2016).
– May 24, 2016 –
Heroes at Home Event
Jacksonville, FL
Lisa was the Keynote Speaker for the Heroes at Home Military Spouse of the Year Awards on May 24, 2016 at Naval Station Jacksonville, Florida.
~ April 1, 2016 ~
Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop
Dayton, OH
As Vice President of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists, Lisa spoke to the attendees of the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop about the benefits of membership in NSNC, a long-time partner of EBWW. More than 150 people signed up to join NSNC after Lisa’s presentation!
~ October 2015 ~
Night of Spoken Word
Portsmouth, RI
Lisa, along with her fellow Newport Round Table Writers’ Group, did a live performance reading at the Portsmouth Arts Guild’s Night of Spoken Word in October 2015 in Portsmouth, Rhode Island. Lisa read three of her pieces: “War of the Roses,” “The Chains of Love,” and “Are We There Yet?”
~ February 26, 2015 ~
Lisa was a guest on the hilarious show “One Bad Mother,”part of the MaximumFun.org network headed up by NPR’s Bullseye with Jesse Thorn, where Lisa spoke about parenting with the unique challenges of military life.
“One Bad Mother is a comedy podcast hosted by Biz Ellis and Theresa Thorn about motherhood and how unnatural it sometimes is. We aren’t all magical vessels! Join us every week as we deal with the thrills and embarrassments of motherhood and strive for less judging and more laughing.”
Listen to the live or recorded show
~ November 2014 ~
Nashua This Morning
Radio Interview
On Friday, November 7th at 6:30 am, Lisa was a guest on “Nashua This Morning” with award winning talk radio host George Russell. Lisa discussed her new book, Stories Around the Table: Laughter, Wisdom, and Strength in Military Life, and why appreciating military families and their stories was crucial on Veteran’s Day. Listen here: http://elvaresa.com/radio/Lisa-Molinari_George-Russell_110714.mp3
~ October 2014 ~
Second book published!
Lisa’s writing is now featured in Stories Around the Table: Laughter, Wisdom, and Strength in Military Life–a new military spouse book by Elva Resa Publishing … stay tuned for details on book signings!
~ May 2014 ~
Heroes at Home Event
Virginia Beach, VA
Lisa was the Keynote Speaker at the “Heroes at Home” event on May 8th in Virginia Beach, Virginia! http://www.cvent.com/events/heroes-at-home-2014-hampton-roads/event-summary-23521bf6bf664041a6cc9879917de3c1.aspx
~ October 2013 ~
Robert Benchley Humor Contest Semi-Finalist
Lisa’s “The Future of Archaeology” was named one of the Top Ten Semi-Finalists in the Robert Benchley Society Annual Humor Contest! http://www.robertbenchley.org/competition/index.htm
~ June 2013 ~
NSNC Conference Speaker
Hartford, CT
Lisa shared her experiences as a Military Spouse columnist at the National Society of Newspaper Columnists Annual Conference, Hartford, Connecticut ~June 27 – 30, 2013! She lead a panel discussion with syndicated “Boomer Dad” humor columnist, Jerry Zezima, where they spoke about their unique takes on “lifestyles columns.”

See the NSNC site for more details, but here’s an excerpt from the Conference Schedule:
‘Family Lifestyles Columnist Lisa Smith Molinari and Jerry Zezima A lot of writers think they have to go on fabulous adventures or do incredible things for column material. Not so. The best — and funniest — stuff happens to you, often in your own home. Learn how to see what’s right in front of you and turn it into column gold, and how to find your niche in the process. Family lifestyle columnist and “Military Mom” Lisa Smith Molinari and nationally syndicated humorist and author Jerry Zezima will offer tips, observations and, yes, laughs in this informative and entertaining session.
NSNC Annual Contest
Lisa’s blog won 2nd Place for Online Columns under 100K monthly visitors in the 2013 NSNC Columnists Contest!
“Second Place – Lisa Molinari, The Meat and Potatoes of Life. Judge’s comment: Molinari’s writing is accessible and witty and her approach to analyzing family matters is insightful and honest. Among people with young children, who doesn’t understand when she writes: ‘We had yogurt in a tube, cheese in a stick, chicken shaped like fingers, nuggets and dinosaurs..Pigs were rolled into blankets, and pizzas were stuffed into rolls. Just about anything was wrapped into a pastry pocket.’ Her columns make you smile and chuckle out loud.” ~ Mae Israel, formerly of The Washington Post.
