My essays and columns have appeared or are currently being featured in the following publications:
Military Newspapers
- Stars and Stripes Newspaper
- The Norfolk Flagship
- The San Diego Dispatch
- The Pensacola Gosport
- The Fort Benning Bayonet
- The Mayport Mirror
- The Newport Navalog
- The Fort Bliss Bugle
- The Seabee Courier
- The Fort Bragg Paraglide
- Hawaii Army Weekly
- Hawaii Marine
- The Meridian Skyline
- The Fort Knox Gold Standard
- The Fort Gordon Signal
- The Fort Leonard Wood Guidon
- The Stuttgart Citizen
- The Patrick Air Force Base Shark Pride
- Lemoore Navy News
- The Fort Belvoir Eagle
Civilian Newspapers
- The Washington Post
- USA Today Year in Defense
- The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
- The Providence Journal
- The Towanda Daily News
- The Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
- The Indiana Gazette
- The Huffington Post
- World Net Daily
- The US Army
- Stripes Military Moms
- The Village Connector
- Circle of Moms
- Spouselink
- Proceedings Magazine
- Military Spouse Magazine
- Seabee Online Magazine
- Arizona Parent
- Northwest Kids
- Houston Woman

My columns appear in the Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri Guidon newspaper.