Super Bowl Preparedness


Panic has set in.

Soon, folks everywhere will be mobbing the grocery stores for necessary supplies and stockpiling items in their cabinets, pantries and refrigerators. Is there another Herculean Arctic superstorm headed our way? Is a typhoon spinning its way eastward across the Pacific? Is a deadly combination of high and low-pressure systems colliding in an apocalyptic whirlwind over our nation?

Well, no.

But seeing as the Super Bowl is the second largest day for US food consumption after Thanksgiving, there is a perfectly good reason why people are shoving old ladies out of the way to grab the last jar of queso dip. After all, a Bowl Day without the traditional football-watching foods would be downright catastrophic.

So, as the mother of an Eagle Scout, I feel obligated to warn everyone to: “Be prepared.”

Before you take on the pre-Bowl crowds at the grocery stores, be sure to ready the home front. Clear the refrigerator of useless items such as milk, eggs, fruits and vegetables. Other than a few sticks of celery to accompany the wings, toss any unprocessed foodstuffs that are taking up precious space needed for Bowl day essentials.

Once the kitchen has been purged of all healthy, vitamin-fortified, low-fat, fiber-rich foods, it’s time to mentally prepare for what you might encounter at the grocery stores.

Like a Roman Gladiator ascending the catacombs of the Coliseum, like Muhammed Ali entering the ring to take on Joe Frazier, like the Greek soldiers climbing out of the wooden horse inside the gates of Troy, like the Duke of Wellington about to face Napoleon’s army at Waterloo, like The Real Housewives of New Jersey sitting down to dinner — you must be ready to wage a battle of epic proportions.

As you jot down the arsenal of foods needed for Super Bowl sustenance, breathe deeply and meditate on the past. Gone are the archaic Bowl days of yesteryear, when football fans survived on outdated canned-meat party sandwiches, pimento cheese spreads, and gelatin salads. Thanks to modern advances in processed cheese technology, the invention of Buffalo wings (origins are “hotly” debated), and the mass-production of tortilla chips in 1994, we are fortunate to have a proliferation of delicious modern Bowl day snack foods at our disposal.

Presuming you can find an available shopping cart without committing aggravated assault, enter the grocery store with a strategy. Don’t just join the stream shoppers like some kind of amusement park pony, strike out on your own and hunt down your targets.

Unlike every other grocery store trip, it is actually a good idea to bring the kids. As your secret weapons, they will enable you to divide and conquer. Send each one on a mission: “Lilly, you’re going in for three jars of salsa. Anna, you’re in charge of peanuts. Hayden, you’re almost a man now, so I’m trusting you to find those little smoked sausages for pigs in a blanket. Can you do it?!” “Yes, ma’am!” “Now, GO, GO, GO!!”

With your grocery cart filled to the brim with every snack food known to modern man, head to the check out lanes, but do not waste precious time standing in line. Simply feign some kind of cardiac episode – a la Fred Sanford’s “It’s the big one, Elizabeth!”- and fellow shoppers will surely let you cut in line so you can get to the glycerin pills you “left in the car.” It might sound far fetched, but when they see all the pork products and processed cheeses in your cart, they’ll be convinced that your arteries are harder than a coffin nail and guide you straight to the head of the line.

Finally at home with your snack foods stockpiled and beverages chilling, you can finally breathe easy, knowing that you can eat your face off come Sunday, February 4th.

Disaster averted.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Great job and better images, Lisa.
    When my kids were teens I shopped like that every month. One store would have whole chickens for $.10/lb. limit four. Well, there were four of us and multiple check out lines. 16 scrawny chickens for the freezer. Whoo Hoo! My son used to say, “If you give me one more piece of chicken, I’ll grow feathers. I want beef.” “Sorry kid, if you want beef, get a job.”

  2. 🙂 I especially like the images that came with “like The Real Housewives of New Jersey sitting down to dinner ÔÇö you must be ready to wage a battle of epic proportions” and “your arteries are harder than a coffin nail”. Lest I be deterred, I think I need to run to the kitchen for some chips and dip now!

  3. The thing I love most about Super Bowl shopping is the huge displays at the entrance to the store — towers of Tostitos, pillars of popcorn, columns of chips. It’s very cleverÔǪfor somebody like me who doesn’t follow football, it’s impossible to ignore the big event. And so, I too get sucked inÔǪnever mind the game, give me the cheesy junk!

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