On this day, eighteen years ago, I promised to love, honor and cherish a man I really didn’t know all that well at the time.
In fact, prior to committing ourselves to each other until death, my husband and I were pretty much clueless. We had no idea what kind of husband or wife we might turn out to be. As long as we were in love, we thought, nothing else mattered, right?
Time marched on, and with each passing year, we made new realizations about each other and our relationship.
Most significantly, our vastly different childhood experiences forced us to redefine our pre-conceived notions of “man” and “woman.”
My husband grew up going to private school as the son of a neurologist in the affluent DC suburb of Chevy Chase. At weekend cocktail parties and crew regattas, parents chatted over canap├®s about politics, world events, and their children’s prep schools. They drank bottled water and bought their food from overpriced grocery stores. They had things like capers and pate in their refrigerators, and drove imported cars.
I, on the other hand, grew up in a town with only one high school, where we thought every one in the world had two days off for hunting season. To the people of my small town, “Chevy Chase” was not necessarily an affluent neighborhood, and it was perfectly normal to get your water from a well and your meat from the woods. Our refrigerators frequently contained bricks of Velveeta, cans of Hershey’s syrup, and in the spring, fish with the heads still on. My parents’ vehicles were pre-owned, and other than one Volkswagen Beetle, none of them were imported.
My husband grew up believing that all women can throw sophisticated dinner parties at the drop of a hat, while being charming and looking fabulous in the latest styles from Lord & Taylor or Talbot’s. He did not realize that he had made a lifetime commitment to someone who shops at Target and whose idea of a party is opening a bag of Fritos and watching a Steelers’ game. My poor husband has had to redefine “woman” to include those, like me, who would prefer a hot poker in the eye than the obligatory social events required of a navy officer’s wife.
Similarly, I have had to adjust my definition of “man” to include those who don’t own any thing that is fluorescent orange. I’ve had to realize that there are men out there who actually prefer white wine to beer, and not all men demand space in the garage for a work bench. I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that my husband is afraid of tools, guns and knives, and shudders at the mere thought of putting a worm on a hook, much less eating a fish with the head still on it.
I’ll admit ÔÇô I have felt somewhat guilty that I’ve never fulfilled my husband’s expectations of what his wife might be. I’ve often wished that I was more sophisticated, more formal, more “fancy.”
And I’ve seen self-consciousness in his eyes too, like the time I had to put the barbecue grill together because he couldn’t understand the instructions, or the time I snorkeled on a beach vacation for four hours alone while he sipped a Pink Squirrel and read an Oprah Winfrey book selection under an umbrella.
If we knew back then what we know now, would we have eternally promised ourselves to each other before the altar of Graystone Church eighteen years ago today?
Without a doubt, I say “Yes.”
When we first met, the one thing we knew for certain was that neither of us was perfect, but we instantly gave each other the pure and unconditional acceptance that had been missing in our lives. Unless one later discovers that one’s betrothed is actually an axe murderer or a spy for the Russians, unconditional love and acceptance is a powerful thing that can transcend unknown personality quirks.
Besides, I’ve also discovered along the way that my husband is incredibly disciplined, dedicated, and hard-working. Better yet, he is fiercely loyal and his love for our family is deep and sincere. Best of all, he makes me laugh.
We may not be the husband and wife we thought we’d be eighteen years ago, but deep in our hearts is the underlying truth that we love and accept each other just the way we are.
So, Happy Anniversary, Honey. Always be yourself, and I will always love you for it.
love this!
Awesome. You’re my inspiration. Hubs and I are also vastly opposite- the only thing we agree on seems to be that ice-creams and chocolates are wonderful. 🙁
Yes, at least we can all agree on that!
Happy belated anniversary!!
Great article Lisa and I love the picture! You both look terrific! Happy Anniversary!
Great article, Lisa! You have such a gift for writing…not to mention a terrific hubby! Hugs to both of you and Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!!!
Happy Anniversary!!!!! You guys just totally crack me up, so I know you keep each other laughing.
Awe. I love this =) I pray that all is well in your new found home! Wish you nothing but the best in life, love, and happiness! Give your baby a hug for me!
So beautifully written and wonderful memories. You two truly have a gift of love. Cherish it. Water it. Keep it growing. Happy Anniversary!
laughter truly is the “secret” to marriage and life. good for you two! Congrats! Happy Anniversary!
making each other laugh is key ; ) Thanks for sharing and Happy Anniversary!
Soo sweet ÔÖÑ
Happy Anniversary!